Shipping Policy

  • Delivery Time

    Once your order is confirmed, delivery typically takes 7-15 working days, depending on the destination. Please note that delivery times are estimates and may vary based on carrier conditions and local factors.

  • Shipping Costs:

    Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of the items and the delivery location. The final shipping charge will be displayed at checkout.

  • Shipping Areas:

    We currently only ship within the domestic region. We do not offer international shipping at this time.

  • No Returns/Exchanges:

    Please note that we have a strict no return and no exchange policy. Carefully review your order and check the product details before completing your purchase.

  • Order Tracking:

    Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a tracking number via email to monitor your shipment’s progress.

  • Address Accuracy:

    Ensure all shipping information provided is accurate. We are not responsible for delays or issues resulting from incorrect or incomplete addresses.

  • Shipping Issues:

    If you experience any issues with your shipment, such as a lost or damaged package, please contact our customer service team within 24 hours of receipt.

  • Customer Service:

    For any questions or concerns regarding shipping, please contact our customer service team at